Milestone 2: Tasks

Task 1

Junsoo a 24-years old college student, has little experience with paper reading. In his crowdsourcing course, the professor gives a paper reading response assignment, which requires critical thinking with analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. As the deadline approaches, he realizes that although he can read the paper in time, he is uncertain if he can do critical 7analysis that will require him a lot more time to perform with good quality. He wants to 1) understand the content of the paper in such depth that he can perform his own critical analysis, 2) achieve that in less than 30 minutes, and 3)as a result obtain a solid list of strengths and weaknesses of this paper.

Task 2

Sean is a 25-year-old graduate student who have newly joined KIXLAB. One morning, his professor asked Sean to quickly look over dozens of paper published in CSCW this year until next week to understand a current academic trend of crowdsourcing. However, while he is an eager-minded student, Sean has little background knowledge of crowdsourcing discipline. Thus, while reading each paper, he has to constantly look up every unfamiliar contents of a paper on the internet. It inevitably disturbs efficient reading flow and, as a consequence, leads to poor understanding of a paper. Thus, through our solution, firstly he could quickly find right definitions of terminologies in a paper while sustaining natural reading flow. Secondly, more detailed explanation about some difficult contents in a paper should be provided for Sean. Lastly, he could easily ask questions on a paper and get feedback quickly from mentors.

Task 3

Youngbo, 23-year old fresh graduate student, find out a key paper about crowdsoursing application. After scanning the contents, he think it would be a good starting point to construct his own experiment so try to re-implement the paper's experiment program, which is only show as a bare pseudocode. However there is no specific implementation details such as program language, web circumstances, or meanings of program functions. Using our solution, Youngbo 1)finds directed annotations of a pseudocode which leads to actual explanation in the paper, 2) watch other users' codelets in various programming platform, and 3)read step-by-step coding guide written and verified by other readers. As a result, Youngbo easily understand the program structure and complete his task.

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